You should not complete exercise during pregnancy if you have any of the following
Significant heart disease
Restrictive lung disease
Incompetent cervix
Multiple gestation at risk for premature labour
Persistent second or third trimester bleeding
Placenta praevia after 26 weeks gestation
Premature labour during the current pregnancy
Ruptured membranes
Pregnancy induced hypertension
Poorly controlled seizure disorder
Poorly controlled thyroid disease
Severe anaemia
Unevaluated maternal cardiac arrhythmia
Chronic bronchitis
Poorly controlled type I diabetes
Extreme morbid obesity
Extreme underweight (body mass index <12)
History of extremely sedentary lifestyle
Intrauterine growth restriction in current pregnancy
Poorly controlled hypertension/pre-eclampsia
Orthopaedic limitations
Heavy smoker
If you are unsure if you have any of the above symptoms, please contact your Midwife or GP urgently before starting any exercise.